Works by Clinton, M. Suzanne (exact spelling)

  1.  24
    Monkey see, monkey do, monkey tell? Exploring the relationship between counterproductive work behavior engagement and the likelihood of reporting others.Meagan Brock Baskin, Melissa L. Gruys, Chase A. Winterberg & M. Suzanne Clinton - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (7):516-543.
    Existing literature on counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) has focused on the influence that interpersonal and organizational factors have on predicting said behavior. However, more recent studies have begun to explore the dimensionality of CWB in relation to the likelihood of coworkers reporting coworkers’ CWBs. Likelihood of reporting CWB across various types of CWB, and the relationships between self-reported CWB were assessed across two studies. The studies did so utilizing two different measures of CWB and two different measures of CWB reporting, (...)
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